Started your business? Great! Now, how will people know about the existence of your business? Local SEO is important for businesses in general. No business would do better online if they skipped on local SEO. More than 50% of people get their answers to their queries by searching for them online. And over 75% of people in the UK use search engines when searching for any business information. This shows how important local SEO for Blackpool businesses is. 

Local SEO is a set of techniques that local businesses use to appear in local searches, such as location-based searches on Google. Local SEO Services uk is about reaching users in more specific locations like cities or districts rather than just countries. This results in increased visibility on Google, Google Maps, etc. Local SEO will increase brand awareness and show on top of the results when someone searches for that particular local keyword. The key steps for local SEO for Blackpool businesses include searching for local keywords, creating content that resonates with the local community and optimising the Google business profile.

Every business in Blackpool is unique and needs special strategies for digital success. However, local SEO is one such step which cannot be removed. Here are the specific relevance of local SEO for Blackpool businesses:

  • The business will be able to appear in the search results with local keywords.
  • The people will be able to relate to the content and find it more authentic.
  • The business will come under the knowledge of local people.
  • Businesses will gain more trust.

How does local SEO differ from general SEO?

Both local SEO and Professional SEO Services aim to increase online visibility in Blackpool and improve search engine rankings. The major difference between them is the area to which they cater. General SEO increases visibility globally, whereas local SEO for Blackpool businesses helps to increase visibility in a local area. 

Let’s understand it through an example. For businesses with traditional content and SEO, their website will not be shown when people search for ‘skip hire in Blackpool.’ But when people search for “skip hire near me in Blackpool” “Google will show all the businesses in the area of Blackpool that have made an effort to list their local business online. If people only search for Skip hire near me, the user’s location can be taken, and then Google shows results based on the location and search keyword.

SEO Agency Blackpool benefit a range of businesses in the local area. These could be restaurants, dental clinics, local builders, skip hire companies, modelling agencies, clothing stores, Boilers, Plumbing companies, or other niches. All these businesses need a customised strategy because a certain keyword could be beneficial for one business in a certain area but not for another niche. Therefore, a tailored SEO strategy is required. 

Importance of Google My Business and local citations

Local listings include citations of your business name, address, and phone number. This helps search engines like Google confirm your business’s legitimacy and push it up in the rankings. Citations across several platforms improve your business’s trust factor and your search engine ranking.

Google My Business massively helps local SEO for Blackpool businesses. It involves optimising the page, choosing appropriate keywords when writing the business description, and adding a very accurate category. For example, if you have a restaurant listing on Google, you can use the keyword “best restaurant in Blackpool’ in the description to make sure people discover your outlet. All this will drastically increase the search engine ranking. You can optimise your business Google profile by adding 

  • Correct contact details 
  • Opening and closing timing
  • Business amenities like wifi
  • Address
  • Photos
  • Videos
  • Website

Benefits of Local SEO for Blackpool Businesses

Working on SEO practices for Blackpool businesses shows Google that you are actively working to enhance users’ experiences. Let’s understand the benefits of Local SEO for Blackpool businesses.

  • Increased online visibility: Including local keywords in content, products, and websites will increase the chances of your business appearing in the top search results,  improving your Blackpool local search rankings.
  • Attracting local customers: Local customers constantly look for good services but need help finding good businesses online. With local SEO, you can attract local customers by appearing in the search results. 
  • Boosting foot traffic to physical stores: A business can only succeed if people know its existence. Local search optimisation is required to inform people about your product or service. Through it, people will come across your store and make it to the physical store, as it will be locally in their area. 
  • Higher conversion rates from local searches: Local searches have a very good conversion rate. With a sound strategy, more than 50% of the leads can be converted. 

Key Local SEO Strategies for Blackpool Businesses

Local SEO adds a lot of flexibility to inform users about any changes in your business. For example, you can immediately update holidays, new addresses, and new phone numbers and keep the latest information on Google. That being said, let’s understand in delta how SEO strategies for local businesses work:

  • Optimising Google My Business profile: Google My Business, or Google Business Profile profile, is essential for every business. It is a free listing on Google, and you can upload the name, picture, location, website, contact information, and all other business details here. It needs proper optimisation by adding the correct keyword for your industry and putting other information correctly. You can edit, update, respond to Google reviews and tell more about your business through lucrative pictures. It will appear on all Google services, such as search results, Google Maps, etc. 
  • Building and maintaining local citations: Local citations will help your business gain Google’s trust. Google and users can find and contact you through these listings and citations much more easily. You will appear more in search results, boosting traffic volume and sales. Accurate and consistent citations can increase your online visibility in Blackpool
  • Encouraging and managing online reviews: If trust has any name in the online world, it is online reviews. You must work on a Google Business Profile for local search optimisation. You can manage online reviews, engage with the customers who post reviews, and learn more about people’s perceptions of your business and how to improve them. Also, more reviews will increase the credibility of your work. 
  • Creating locally relevant content: Local SEO has a fulcrum, and it is locally relevant content. Everything will work only when the content resonates with local people. People who find it relatable will be more inclined towards your product or service.  
  • Utilising social media for local engagement: Social media has emerged as a very effective tool to gain visibility and establish your brand’s authority. You can leverage it in different ways. You can use keywords to help people find you, post regularly to make them aware of your products and services and engage through comments, polls, stories, and many other options. 

Common Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Every aspect of digital marketing has many benefits, but a few challenges accompany them. Here are a few common challenges and the ways to overcome them:

  • Competition with other local businesses: Local businesses have competitors just like others, and it becomes challenging to stay at the top. You can stay at the top of the digital game by incorporating local search optimisation. You can outperform your competitors by doing local keyword research, building local citations, managing online reviews, and using social media platforms. Include locally appealing content that solves people’s questions, gives them the answer they are looking for, or helps them in one way or another. Provide them value. 
  • Keeping up with SEO updates and trends: Google provides regular updates for ranking on search engines; keeping up with these trends is important to rank on search engines. For example, Google prefers user-generated content that is valuable to readers. Putting such content on the business website can help make the website rank. It holds much importance for local SEO for Blackpool businesses.
  • Managing online reviews and reputation: Online presence has several advantages and disadvantages. Online reviews can be positive and negative and impact the business accordingly. You must improve your online presence to keep your reviews and reputation positive. 


Local SEO involves optimising the website and content so that they appear in local search results. A robust SEO agency in Blackpool can give unimaginable results that can skyrocket your business. The future of local SEO for Blackpool businesses is bright when proper strategies are employed. 

Many SEO agencies in Blackpool can level up your SEO game by focusing on local SEO and addressing more specific queries from people. You will be able to gain visibility and generate more leads, better conversion rates, and more footfall in your offline store because of brand awareness. Contact Telsa Media to get the best local SEO traffic and boost your sales!