Voice search is becoming more and more important in SEO

Many more people are using voice search these days, thanks to the success of AI assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant. This change significantly affects search engine optimisation (SEO) tactics, so companies must change. Telsa Media, a Professional SEO Services Provider, stresses the importance of optimising voice search to stay competitive in today’s digital world, where information needs to be available immediately and be relevant.

How to Use Voice Search

  • How Voice Search Works
    • People can use mouth commands to search the web or a website using voice search. Natural language processing (NLP) is used to understand what the user is saying and turn it into a code that can be searched. This technology becomes more innovative and better at knowing and answering user questions as time passes.
  • What Makes Text and Voice Search Queries Different
    • Voice queries are usually longer and sound more like conversations than text searches. Instead of the broken-up terms typically used in text searches, they often come as questions. To optimise material for voice search well, you need to understand these subtleties.

Essential Things That Affect Voice Search SEO

  • The processing of natural language:
    • NLP helps search engines understand and answer voice questions. The advanced algorithms can figure out what the user is trying to do and the situation so they can give correct replies that make sense.
  • Google Maps and Voice Search:
    • Voice search is essential for local SEO Services because many people use it to find information in their area. Part of optimising for local SEO is making sure your business can be found and shown correctly on maps and local search results.
  • How to Make Your Local SEO Better:
    • Ensure your Google My Business page is complete and up to date.
    • As part of your SEO plan, use area keywords.
    • Get neighbourhood reviews and keep track of them.
    • How to Make Your Site Better for Voice Search
  • Changes to website content:
    • To make your website work better with voice search, make the text more chatty and answer directly to the questions people may ask through voice. Use long-tail terms that sound like the way people talk and ask questions.

Technical SEO changes:

  • Mobile-Friendliness: Since most voice searches are done on phones, ensure your website is responsive and dashes.
  • Structured Data: Use schema code to help search engines understand your content. This will make it easier for voice search results to include your website.
  • Making things easier to see and access:
    • Features Snippets: Structure your content so that it directly answers questions. This will make it more likely to appear in featured snippets, often used to find answers in voice searches.
    • Accessibility: Make sure that your website is accessible to people with disabilities. This is similar to the ideas behind voice search optimisation.

Best Practices for Making Voice Search Work Better

  • Case studies and stories of success:
    • Look at case studies showing voice search SEO strategies that worked well to determine what works and how you could use similar methods for your business.
  • Helpful Links and Tools:
    • Use Google’s Search Console and Analytics to monitor the effectiveness of your voice search optimisation tactics and make necessary changes.

What will happen next in voice search?

  • Changes in Technologies:
    • As voice recognition technologies improve, voice search will become even more critical to SEO tactics. This is because voice search will become more accurate and useful.
  • Getting ahead:
    • To stay ahead of the competition, you must know the newest voice search technology and continually improve your SEO to match this changing trend.


It’s no longer a choice; optimising for voice search is now a must if you want your SEO plan to be complete and work in the future. Telsa Media suggests that companies follow these valuable tips and best practices to improve the user experience and give their businesses a significant edge in the digital market.